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RED Horticulture

A unique place for photobiology innovation 

At RED, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of photobiology every day. Our goal: to create effective and comprehensive solutions. That’s the reason why RED founded the Center for Research in Photobiology and Agronomy (PARC), a unique laboratory in the world dedicated to plant photobiology.


At the heart of this laboratory, a team of passionate researchers works tirelessly to develop specific lighting strategies destined to a multitude of plant species. This results in a library of unique lighting recipes, designed and tested in our phytotrons. These recipes take into account all the aspects of your crop, promote significant energy savings, and help you produce more efficiently.


At PARC, collective innovation is key. The doors of the laboratory are open to the scientific community to meet today's and tomorrow's challenges, together. Our team works with agility to provide tested and tailored solutions to meet the needs of producers, whatever their goals may be.



Protected Lighting Recipes


Species Analyzed


Agronomic Impacts

enracinement jeune plant sous éclairage dynamique

Breeding & R&D

From seed to seed

étude de l'impact du spectre dynamique sur cultures maraîchères - plants de tomates

High-Wire & Vegetables

From young plant to fruit

Cultures métabolites secondaires optimisées avec un spectre dynamique - far red.

Secondary metabolite production

Content and quality

PARC by RED, un centre d'études en photobiologie unique au monde. Partenariat avec un semencier, évaluation de l'éclairage dynamique sur plants de concombres. Visite de PARC, Photobioogic and Agronomic Research Center, centre dédié à la photobiologie.

A place dedicated to innovators in the industry

Open to the scientific community and actors of the industry, PARC is also committed to training the industry to light parameters, its new units of measurement, its control, and the resulting innovations. Training sessions are held upon request to share this fundamental knowledge and allow you to integrate the tremendous potential of photobiology into your strategy and the your operation management.


R&D team also conducts experiments on behalf of organizations (seed producers, growers) seeking expertise.

Prises de mesures par Sarah Wilmet au laboratoire PARC by RED, dédié à la photobiologie.


The scientific revolution that inspired the creation of RED continues. Photobiology is far from having revealed all its secrets and its tremendous opportunities of application in plant production.

Understanding photobiology

Identification of Field Issues

  • Exchange with reference vegetable growers.
  • Survey among expert consultants in their segment.
  • In-depth monitoring.
Accompagnement agronomique et photobiologique pour optimiser stratégies d'éclairage serres.


  • Scientific Iterations.
  • Tests in Growth Chambers.
  • Validation of Solutions.
Illustration représentant des expérimentations photobiologiques au Photobiologic and Agronomic Research Parc.

Technical Transfer in Greenhouse

  • Tests in Real Conditions.
  • Adjustment of the Solution.
  • Validation of the Strategy.
Illustration d'une salle de culture maraichère avec flash lumineux de far red sur culture de tomates.

Launch on the Market

  • Implementation with our greenhouse clients.
  • Performance monitoring.
Salle de culture maraichère, illustration pour montrer la mise en place de spectres dynamiques sur plants.
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Phytotron pour l'étude de la photobiologie, Photobiology and Agronomic Research Center, RED Horticulture.

Join Our Team

We value learning and curiosity, two crucial qualities to become and remain experts in our domain. We encourage teamwork and confidence, so that each member of our team can grow skills and gain responsibility.
Joining RED means becoming part of a diverse and entrepreneurial team committed to a growth-oriented dynamic.
